Share Student Media in September: Win an iRig Microphone!
Today I’m enthused to announce a new website: SHARE – Playing with Media, as well as a monthly raffle for educators and parents sharing examples of student media products and projects on the site. Here are the details. Please help spread the word!

The website has been launched to encourage more creative, responsible and ethical playing and sharing with media by students, educators and parents. Categories of shared media projects follow the chapters of the eBook, “Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing.” The site already includes ten examples of student media projects using digital text, images, audio and video. Now it’s your turn. In the month of September 2011, I challenge you as an educator / parent / media creator to share at least ONE example of student-created media on the site using the provided CONTRIBUTE form. Contributed media projects can be created by your students, your own children, grandchildren, after-school program student participants, or other kids. In all cases, submissions must comply with the website posting policy. Submitters are responsible for obtaining permission from the student(s) originally creating the media products and the student’s parent/guardian for sharing the work online under a Creative Commons Attribution-Only license.
Every individual submitting an example of student media on the site, which is approved by site moderators, will be entered in a raffle for an IK Multimedia iRig Microphone. This microphone ($60 US) plugs directly into an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch and functions as a WONDERFUL external microphone for media projects created inside or outside the classroom.Submissions for this September 2011 promotion must be received via the online CONTRIBUTE form no later than midnight, Pacific time on Friday, September 30th. One winner will be selected via a random drawing on October 1st. Anyone is welcome to submit more than one entry, but each person can only enter ONE time for the raffle. The iRig mic prize will be shipped to a mailing address (in the United States or an international location) provided by the winner during the week of October 3rd.
If you have questions about this contest promotion, please ask them as comments to this post. Please subscribe to updates to the SHARE – Playing with Media website, and also “like” the Playing with Media fan page on Facebook. As submitted media projects are approved on the website, they’ll be linked automatically on the Facebook page. Let’s all have fun “playing with media” and sharing our media creations with each other in the month of September!
Technorati Tags: #playingwithmedia, media, playingwithmedia, project, share, sharing, student