A Story About Parental Feedback on a Student Blog

Tomorrow I’m sharing a repeated 1.5 hour workshop for teachers in Yukon Public Schools (in Oklahoma) titled, “simple ideas for powerful sharing.” In addition to having fun and experiencing a “paperless learning experience,” I hope all the teachers participating in the workshop will successfully experience new ways for sharing digital text, digital audio, images and video. For the shared audio recording activity, I’m going to play the following 104 second video telling a story related a couple weeks ago on the Yukon Public Schools Learning Showcase website. It’s a simple but important story about parental feedback on a student blog.


All the activities we’ll do together in the workshop are included in a twenty slide Google Presentation, which I’ve also embedded on a revised “Workshops” page of playingwithmedia.com. I’m particularly looking forward to using Yodio.com for the first time in a workshop as a phonecasting platform. Tonight’s test with my family members was successful, so hopefully tomorrow’s workshop phonecasts will be too! If you know of another free phonecasting platform in addition to Cinch, iPadio and Yodio, please let me know by leaving a comment. 

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