Workshop 2011

This is the archived Workshop page from 2011.

These resources are designed for participants in Wesley Fryer’s workshops about “Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing. (* See permissions guidelines below.) Referenced resources relating to digital text, images, audio, video and copyright are available as “pages” hyperlinked at the top of this site. Please contact Wes if you’re interested in having this workshop shared for your school / organization.

Overview: “A-Ha Moments”

These activities are organized as a media scavenger hunt. Workshop participants are encouraged to complete as many sharing activities as possible and SUBMIT your results as hyperlinks on the Google form linked below. Please tweet links to your media shares using the hashtag #playingwithmedia. Use the tag “playingwithmedia” when sharing on sites supporting tagging like YouTube, Flickr, AudioBoo, etc.

The goals of this activity are:

  1. To more fully embrace the moral imperative of digital sharing
  2. To introduce educators to web-based tools supporting idea sharing using text, audio, images, and video
  3. To share and amplify “A-Ha Moments” with educational technology
  4. To demonstrate how media created during collaborative projects can be aggregated using tags

What’s an A-ha Moment?

An “a-ha moment” (in the context of this project) is a short story about a valuable resource, helpful strategy, or innovative idea which you can apply in your role as a professional educator, parent, citizen and/or community member. Share your own “a-ha moments” from a recent conference or other professional learning experience and interview others (who give permission for you to share their ideas on the Internet)

Submission Guidelines

  1. Read, understand and follow the PERMISSIONS GUIDELINES at the bottom of this page. 🙂
  2. Submissions are moderated and will show up on the public website after approval.
  3. Choose clever & relevant titles for each post. (Don’t be generic.)
  4. Please include “Posted by (your name)” in the message body, as well as a contact link to your Twitter, blog or wiki site.

1. Text Share

Type several sentences to share an #iste11 “a-ha moment” with text. Include hyperlinks if possible. Email your text to

2. Audio Share

Use a “no-edit, cloud-based audio recording” service to record and share an #iste11 a-ha moment audio interview. (AudioBoo, Cinch & iPadio) Email the link to your published interview to

3. Image Share


For more inspiration.
1. Choose an image using compfight or an image of your own or one from the ISTE 11 flickr tag


  • Click on the image
  • Choose Actions, View All Sizes
  • Choose the medium size image either 500 or 640
  • Right click on the Download link and choose “copy shortcut” or “copy link location” or “copy link address”

2. Add six words to the image using your own software or Picnik 
  • Click Get Started Now
  • Click the Library Tab and Get from Website.
  • Paste the URL of your image
  • Use the editing tools to add your Words and photo link
  • When your finished click Save and Share. Then email photo
  • Email it to
  • In the subject line, name your photo. Use the message area to describe your image if you choose.

4. Video Share

Record a short video interview (max 2 minutes) sharing an #iste11 a-ha moment. Publish your video to YouTube and email the direct link to your published interview to If you do not have a YouTube account, upload using PixelPipe (choose Quickpost) and login as ttuviper-sandbox [at] yahoo [dot] com with the password (to be provided at workshop.)

5. Comment Contribution

As teacher-leaders we need to help develop learning cultures in which each participant takes responsibility for contributing the learning of their peers and the group. Leave a thoughtful, constructive comment one on of the blog contributions on


6. Project Submission

Please use this Google Form to submit your digital shares from this workshop!

Permissions Guidelines

By participating in this project and activity, you grant permission for your image and ideas shared as text, audio, and/or video to be shared online under a Creative Commons Attribution-Only License. As a participant, you are responsible for obtaining permission from individuals you interview to share their ideas, images, audio and video recordings. After explaining the project, be sure to ask each person explicitly, “Do I have your permission to publish this interview on the Internet?” If you are interviewing or photographing a minor (someone under age 18) be sure to also obtain permission from their parent or guardian.

ISTE11 BYOL Session Evaluation

If you participate in this ISTE11 workshop, afterwards please complete the official, online evaluation.


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