Free Workshop in Oklahoma City Fri Jan 18: Creating Multimedia eBooks

If you live in or near Oklahoma City, please join me tomorrow morning at Northwest Library (5600 NW 122nd, Oklahoma City, OK) for a free, 3 hour, hands-on workshop learning how to create multimedia / enhanced eBooks on the iPad. Complete details and links to RSVP are available on The full session description is:

Bring your own iPad to this FREE 3 hour, hands-on digital workshop where we’ll learn how to create and share enhanced eBooks. Enhanced eBooks can include recorded audio as well as images and text. These kinds of eBooks are perfect for parents and grandparents to create with young readers, or for learners of any age to create! Check out some examples on We’ll use two different apps to create enhanced eBooks in this session, which you’ll want to purchase/install on your iPad in advance. They are:

This is a FREE meetup/workshop led by Dr. Wesley Fryer. Homeschoolers, classroom teachers, parents, grandparents, and anyone interested in creating enhanced eBooks as well as helping kids create enhanced ebooks are welcome to attend. Students 10 years old and older are also welcome to attend WITH a parent. More information is available about Wesley’s ebook “Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing” (2011) and “Mapping Media to the Common Core” (Feb 2013). More resources and links about creating enhanced eBooks are also available on Wesley’s wiki for this workshop:

Creating Enhanced eBooks with iPads - Playing with Media Meetup (Oklahoma City, OK) - Meetup

I’m very excited that the latest version of Book Creator for iPad (version 2.4) now supports hyperlinks as well as combining multiple projects into a single eBook. This is GREAT news for many folks, including students and teachers creating eBooks in the classroom, for class projects, or just for fun! I hope to see you tomorrow morning at Northwest Library in Oklahoma City for this fun morning of eBook learning, playing, and creating!

One Reply to “Free Workshop in Oklahoma City Fri Jan 18: Creating Multimedia eBooks”

  1. Tina Steele

    Hi Wes,Sure would love to be able to come to this workshop. I love your layout of your website In the past I’ve always just gone to your blog. I don’t know how you keep up with all these resources.I’m back in the classroom now – got burned out being a technology director. Love working with the students. Enjoy being able to share integrating technology with curriculum with other teachers. Thanks for always looking out for us!Tina (mstina)

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