Tutorial: Creating a Narrated Slideshow with ShowMe for iPad
Yesterday I worked with a librarian who is going to help 4th and 5th grade students next week record “narrated slideshows” to practice their oral communication skills telling stories with “story cards” from different perspectives. (1st person singular, 1st person plural, 2nd person, 3rd person singular, etc.) This is an excellent Common Core-aligned language project. She helped me record a 4.5 minute video tutorial about this, in which I show the steps for creating a narrated slideshow using the free iPad app “ShowMe.” We recorded this with my iPhone, as I demonstrated the required steps on an iPad.
I added a link to this video tutorial on the “Narrated Slideshow / Screencast” page of the Mapping Media to the Common Core project. I’m going to add similar “Tutorials” sections to each of the 12 media product pages in the Mapping Media digital literacy framework website in the weeks ahead. For another version of this, see my February 2012 post, “Narrate a SlideShow with ShowMe .”