Directly Download the Playing with Media enhanced eBook to your iPad!
I’m thrilled to report it’s now possible to DIRECTLY download the enhanced/multimedia version of my eBook, “Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing” to iPads, iPhones and iPod Touches and open it immediately in the iBooks application! Remember bulk pricing discounts for the eBook are available if you’re interested in purchasing ten or more copies for your school or organization.
This may not sound like a big deal, but for the past six months (since my first eBook went on sale at the end of July 2011) buyers have had to download the EPUB to a laptop or desktop computer and then use iTunes to sync the eBook back to an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch using these instructions from Apple. It is SO much easier, however, to directly download an EPUB to an iPad and open it immediately in iBooks.
More details about the specifics of how this is now possible are available.
Hi there – I’ll be back on the 3rd of January. I’ll read your email then. Have a great Christmas break. >>> Playing with Media <post> 12/23/11 16:12 >>> <tr> <td height=”20″></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=”20″></td> <td> <tr> <td height=”60″ width=”610″> </td> </tr></td></tr>