
Images by Rachel Fryer

Fryer, R. (2011, July 1). Images by Rachel Fryer. Flickr – Photo Sharing. Retrieved July 2, 2011, from

Visual literacy is a cornerstone of “talking with media” and “playing with media.” Learners need to be able to find, appropriately use, and create images which communicate effectively according to their purpose and context.* This short video provides several suggested websites for creating presentations with licensed media. A YouTube version is also available.

Finding Photo Images

  1. Pixabay
  2. Flickr Creative Commons
  3. Behold (filter by “looks like”)
  4. Simple CC flickr Search by John Johnson
  5. morgueFile free photos
  6. stock.xchng
  7. PhotoDropper (free WordPress plugin)
  8. Other image sources from Joyce Valenza

Finding Images with Auto-Attribution

  1. Photos for Class
  2. ImageCodr (gives embeddable attribution code for Flickr Creative Commons images, doesn’t actually located images)
  3. Haiku Deck (actually creates full, downloadable presentations and web-accessible version)
  4. CompFight
  5. Wylio (excellent for blog posts / embedding)

Finding Clip Art / Icons

  1. Open Clip Art
  2. Icon Archive
  3. The Noun Project
  4. Icon Finder

Mobile Apps for Sharing Images

  1. PhotoSync
  2. Flickr (iOS)
  3. Tumblr
  4. Facebook iOS & Android
  5. Instagram (iOS)
  6. TwitPict

Websites for Sharing Images

  1. Flickr
  2. Picassa Web Albums
  3. ShutterCal (photo 365 projects)
  4. Facebook
  5. TwitPic

Desktop Applications for Editing Images

  1. Picassa
  2. iPhoto (Mac only)
  3. Gimp (Windows) and Seashore (Mac)

Mobile Apps for Editing Images

  1. iPhoneography Workshop Resources

Tutorials & Other Resources

  1. Gapminder (data visualization)
  2. Pecha Kucha Presentations & Ending PowerPoint Abuse
  3. Finding Creative Commons Licensed Images to Use in Blog Posts

* Hat tip to Tony Vincent (@tonyvincent) for sharing several of these image resources in his June 2015 presentation, “Worth 1,000 Words: Finding & Designing Visuals for Your Projects.”


Photographer at Ecola Parkphoto © 2008 Paul Hamilton | more info (via: Wylio)

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